Wednesday, 20 August 2014

You can crush us, You can bruise us, But you'll have to answer to Oooooooh, the shops of Brixton

Amongst the pay day loan and pawn shops I found these around Brixton...enjoy! :)

I'd love to know what last price means

The Reliance Arcade. You can't see it in the photo, But the entrance has a phone card shop and a fresh popcorn shop opposite one another :) 

Surprise Surprise shoe shop. I find shoe shops some of the most depressing places on earth and I'd welcome a surprise if I should enter one in future

Obviously the photo was taken at day time so it wasn't open yet. 

Is it food for the skin or food made out of skin?

The only roosters I saw in this place weren't there to hang out.....they were all dead

A jean shop thats 'landlocked' in between two other shops so I don't think it qualifies as a corner but I love it because it's a big fuck you to conventional corners   

I asked if they'd buy the 14 inch machete I had in my bag but they said no

I've always said society needs more card shops with a bit of diversity 

The barber of Seville. Location: Brixton

Ms.Cupcake. The text in the corner says ' The naughtiest vegan cupcakes around'. By naughty I can only assume they put milk or eggs in their products or something

First ever Book Mongers I've come across

The Duck Egg cafe made out of bricks and mortar :) 

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