Sunday, 31 August 2014

A couple from Dalyan, Turkey

Two quick ones from a holiday I went on last year

I've broken my rule as this is not a shop name, However if you see this as a brand name for a fridge you're not human if you don't take a photo of it.

I was told by a Turkish associate that Ufuk is a common second name in Turkey. Although through the eyes of an ignorant British tourist such as your's truly, It's a shop with a rude name 


A walk around Finsbury Park

A chicken shop named after the garden of paradise

A coffee shop using slang from the 1940's in it's name and a mural of Winston Churchill constantly scowling at passers-by on the side. Spectacular!

A food shop named after the famous dissociative party drug. 

Burger Zone....sadly closed :(

Happening Bagel Bakery :)

You'd think this would be a fish and chip shop but to my surprise on further inspection it happens to be a printer and stationary shop.  

Kensal area

I'm fairly unfamiliar with west London but having found these I feel I should venture more that way. 

Party Wishes

Palm Beach take away restaurant. Location: West London  

Don't let the name fool you, Its actually a carpet shop rather than a pet shop......Unless they're trying to pass of carpets as man's best friend or something

Crazy Baker. the shop was closed so I couldn't tell you about the mental state of it's employees.

I couldn't see any trapezes or small cars that can fit 15 clowns into for sale in the shop window.... 

Westminster Electrical.....I guess they ran out of room on the sign but I'm thinking the last bit should have been 'shop' :)

A Chinese that uses French at the beginning and end of it's name

Cocodelic: Cape restaurant, Funky spot..... 

I think if your second name was 'Pizza' you'd have no choice but to go into the catering business 

As you can see the shop was closed so I couldn't tell you what it sold...shame really.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Another gem from Walthamstow!

Wondering around Vauxhall Bridge

I found myself questioning what more a tanning shop could offer you than just a tan

Need a house to buy or rent in Vauxhall? Dexter is the man to see ;)

Emerald Supermarket....closed

Stockwell's Finest!

Not as fruitful as I'd had hoped for but I found a few none the less :)

Ack's Supermarket TD

The Blue Nile Cafe: Stockwell

I couldn't tell you the whereabouts of Bargainwear One

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

You can crush us, You can bruise us, But you'll have to answer to Oooooooh, the shops of Brixton

Amongst the pay day loan and pawn shops I found these around Brixton...enjoy! :)

I'd love to know what last price means

The Reliance Arcade. You can't see it in the photo, But the entrance has a phone card shop and a fresh popcorn shop opposite one another :) 

Surprise Surprise shoe shop. I find shoe shops some of the most depressing places on earth and I'd welcome a surprise if I should enter one in future

Obviously the photo was taken at day time so it wasn't open yet. 

Is it food for the skin or food made out of skin?

The only roosters I saw in this place weren't there to hang out.....they were all dead

A jean shop thats 'landlocked' in between two other shops so I don't think it qualifies as a corner but I love it because it's a big fuck you to conventional corners   

I asked if they'd buy the 14 inch machete I had in my bag but they said no

I've always said society needs more card shops with a bit of diversity 

The barber of Seville. Location: Brixton

Ms.Cupcake. The text in the corner says ' The naughtiest vegan cupcakes around'. By naughty I can only assume they put milk or eggs in their products or something

First ever Book Mongers I've come across

The Duck Egg cafe made out of bricks and mortar :) 

Friday, 15 August 2014

A weird and wonderful trip down the Holloway Road

Holloway road has to be one of the strangest roads in London. My short 20 minute walk from one end of the road to the other reminded me how wonderfully diverse London is in culture and diversity. More importantly I got these beauties ;)

A modest name for an Indian restaurant 

I can only assume the radio DJ Chris Evans has expanded into real estate

A social club so secretive it doesn't even have a name 

Aptly named if your idea of paradise is Holloway Road

This is where all the runners up from the television show must come to ply their trade

ODDZ & SODZ: sadly closed :(

A tattoo parlour with a horror theme!. Funnily enough after I took the photo I thought I'd been rumbled by one of the owners or employees but as it turns out it was just a life size model of Count Dracula placed in the window.

The place to be if you want food and wine

A sport shop that happily boasts about using slave labour!

The first time I've seen a cafe named after a shipping disaster

I wonder what shop came first and who's benefitting off who?

Cashino!. The pictures in the window have people from all races and genders to show how much fun anyone can have gambling!

A taste of Hollywood right in London

As I've mentioned before anyone who has a first name as a second name I'm dying to meet.

A cab firm named after the popular folklore character. I wanted to go in and ask if the firm has a resident cat but decided against it for fear of being told to fuck off for wasting their time