Monday, 10 November 2014

Cambridge shop appreciation

Found these beauties from a day trip to Cambridge

Who knew royalty of the curry world resided in Cambridge 


All the penguins must have had the day off because I didn't see any when I peered through the window....

The Bike Shed which strangely enough isn't actually a shed 

The secret to a great lunch nonchalantly boasted about on the front of the shop 

I think London needs more hair dressers where you can get your hair cut my the insane

The Edinburgh Wollen Cambridge

It all looked very calm and organised in the shop despite the name

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Tottenham Court Road

Just a few I found near where I work :)

They did have an abundance of cards 

Plain and straight to the point

Unfortunately I didn't see any Tigers for sale 

The shop boasts about making our world a sweeter place and I don't doubt that!

Stroud Green

'Hard Az Nails' Hair and Beauty

Kebabs fit for a King

Who'd of thought someone's idea of paradise would be a clothes shop!

I don't think I've ever seen a fully operating milk bar, I've only ever heard of them in films from the 50's

I checked in and neither the Yak or Yeti were in....

Caribbean food just like Gran use to make 

The United Nails company!

The Mega Cafe

I wonder if this establishment is illegally hiring dwarfs to do all the menial work involved in running a laundrette 


A quick one from Queensway

'Bits & PC's' Everyone likes a pun! Thank you to Simon for finding this gem!